FS17 - Deutz Torpedo 9006A/90A ADRIATIC

Date : 2017-11-02 18:05:07 Report
Torpedo is Croatian tractor with Deutz licence. In pack are 2 Torpedo, one weight and front hidraulic Torpedo 9006A Torpedo 90A Adriatic Specialization : attacherJoints lights animatedVehicle speedRotatingParts motorized steerable drivable cylindered aiVehicle bunkerSiloCompactet honk washable mountable wheelRotations ——ADDED—— interactiveControl interactiveWindows interactiveButtons warningSigns allradwelleAnimation Number Plates Dynamic Hose Exhaust Effects

Credits: Deutz-Power, Zeko, Mujin, Ludi Milojko & Jukka

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