Fliegl Ass 209 Mit Dolly V1

Date : 2020-06-25 22:36:21 Report

Fliegl ASS 298 with dolly
Here I have an ASS298 flywheel with a suitable Dolly

Was hat er / kann er ...
- Two different covers available (with color selection)
- Trelleborg, Michelin and Lizard tires available in various variations (color selection)
- Reversing camera

-LOG is clean-

It is now on the idea and the questions set up at leisure.
The Fliegl ASS298 is "Open Source" and therefore no release from this Giants comes!
The dolly comes straight from the game.

Tested in FS19 1.6 version.

  • 56.000 liters

Credits: Giants, JensJupp

Download File (7.9 MB)