FS17 - 1994-5 Ford Fsuperduty V1.0

Date : 2017-10-27 16:12:49 Report
1994-5 Ford Fsuperduty Lifted 2wd with Cummins common-rail 5.9L, it has three engine stock +60hp and +120hp, dual pipes and working tailgate. It is lifted to work with 5th wheel trailer’s. First of a line of OBS ford for Farming Simulator 2017. Jay_Bo5 modding.

Credits: Jay_bo5 Djt14, Gordy, Farmboy98, Fraser_Cow, Kj981300, Seriousmods, Denomania iBoss55, BigCountry, Muddbone- Lone Tree Ridge Farms truckdriver63363 kramarj farmerboy69 tessfarms, sivy Lazy Mod Studios (LMS) Catfish_John1979 Rambow145 oltzu AIM Blackwidow Sorry if I forgot someone.

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