FS17 - Molkerei

Date : 2017-03-02 17:52:39 Report
V2.0.0.3: Removed at hmilkPallet RightBody check mark. Some will know my dairy from the LS15. Since this industry was missing me, I've converted my dairy times for LS17 and make it available to you now It runs again over the factory script of Marhu / kevink98. Function: Milk is used to make cheese and H milk. The products can be transported by front / wheel loader or telescopic forklift truck. Installation instructions for modDesc.xml are included. The AdditionalMapTypes viewtopic.php? F = 204 & t = 5224 is required because the fillTypes registration is handled. For the future, a rail connection is planned so that you can deliver your milk by train or can transport milk and milk. When that comes, I know but not yet.

Credits: Idee LS-Player94 Model GIANTS/Farmer_Andy/LS-Player94 Script Marhu (LS15) kevink98 So ich wünsch euch viel Spass mit der Molkerei Fragen oder Wünsche ins Thread schreiben. Nur zum klaren Verständnis was die Freigabe betrift. Wer die Molkerei auf seine Map einbauen will und sie dann veröffentlichen will kann dies gerne tun (Sonst für was stelle ich sie euch zur Verfügung). Aber es dürfen keine Umbauten an den Funktionen geht macht werden (besonders was die Rohstoffe und Produkte an geht).

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