Date : 2017-09-07 19:41:20 Report
Changes to version 1.6 Creation of trout farms, caviar and fish farms, and a frozen fish storage facility, in the east of the port. Establishing a fish farm in the city and in the two villages. Establish a dough plant south of the town on the lakeshore. Establishing a pasta shop in the city as well as in the two villages. Pallet operation and correction and alignment of the Sawmill triggers. Dairy output part reconstruction (building replacement …). Remove Factory info tables from the map. Factory inpus is placed in separate PDF file. Redesign some road sections. PDA alignment. Smaller landscaping. Remove unnecessary objects. Key data The map is 4x Factories Cannery, Cake factory, Refinery, Bakery, Hmilk, Distillery, Sawmill, Sand, Sugar factory, Compost Master, Plum Garden, Cherry Garden, Mill, Fermenting Silo, Dryer, Forage Factory, PigFood factory, Pallet factory, Eggfarm, Weberei Store BGA, Construction, Gardencenter train, Farmshop train, Port of grain mill train, Bufallo Grill, Power Plant, Graintrans 1-2, Woodtrans, City, City grain, Selling cotton (Airport) Fruits wheat, rape, barley, maize, sunflower, soybean, potato, sugarBeet, chaff, grass_windrow, dryGrass_windrow, silage, straw, woodChips, forage, pigFood, hops, oat, rye, triticale, Manure, liquidManure, booze beer, bread, hmilk, sand, sugar, flour, cake, cherry, plum, saladMix, yoghurt, pallette, boxed egg, Stained wool yarn Larger objects Port, Castle, Railway Station, Electric Hydro Plant, Airport, City, Villages – Fields 15. Each field is owned by grass 1. The power and volume of the machines I have used and proposed for the map have been changed. It is only recommended to use these devices, of course everybody uses whatever equipment they want. The map can also work with trained trains. To do so, you must copy the contents of the attached Train / new library to the correct location of the original FS17 program (before copying, you should make a copy of the original library) C: \ Program Files \ Farming Simulator 17 \ Farming Simulator 17 \ data \ vehicles \ train Growth rate has been accelerated for arable crops. You can personalize it according to your preference in the growthControl.lua file in FS17_GrowthControl mode by changing the current values. growthcontrol.fruitnames = {[0] = “wheat” [1] = “grass” [2] = “rape”, [3] = ‘barley’ [4] = “maize” [5] = ‘ not used “, [6] =” potato “, [7] =” sugarBeet “, [8] =” sunflower “, [9] =” soybean “, [10] =” oilseedRadish ” “[12] =” spelled “[13] =” oat “[14] =” rye, “[15] =” hops “[16] =” triticale “[17] =” onion ” [18] = “carrot” [19] = “lettuce”}; growthcontrol.growthhours = {[0] = 3, [1] = 0.1 [2] = 3, [3] = 3, [4] = 3 [5] = 0, [6] = 3, [7] = 3, [8] = 3, [9] = 3, [10] = 3, [11] = 3, [12] = 3, [13] = 3, [14] = 3, [15] = 3 [16] = 3, [17] = 3, [18] = 3, [19] = 3}; If you want the factory setting, you can delete the FS17_GrowthControl mode from the MOD directory. Good game! Amendments to version 1.5 SAWMILL output roll did not work, I fixed it. Smaller transformation of the WOODTRANS area. Moving pouring points. Align DARY Playertrigger. Add HOLMERHR20 cutting heads to the system. HOLMERHR20 cutting heads and caseIH3162Cutter90ftCOMBI cutting head are added to the defaulVehicle mode of the base map. Add CaseIH3162Cutter90ftCOMBI cutting head to your system. PDA alignment. Smaller spatial planning. Amendments to Version 1.4 Creation of a greenhouse complex (pallid strawberry, raspberry, redcurrants). Create temporary storage (palletized strawberry, raspberry, redcurrants). Creation of grain storage and water storage facilities at greenhouses. Creating a pallet box manufacturing plant at the port. Pallet box with temporary storage in the port. Establishment of a new milk processing plant at the riverbank. Select pallets (box, strawberry, raspberry, redcurrants, fruit yogurt, kefir, condensed milk, butter). Replacing the entire water surface Redesign some road sections. PDA alignment. Smaller landscaping. Removing floating and unnecessary objects, Revision of the filling and draining volumes of production plants, mostly by raising them. Updating factory information board. Suggested modes include FS17_GameExtension and FS17_SpeedPlayer. Amendments to version 1.3: Modify and expand the output tape system of potato, strawberry, sawmill objects. Reducing the strawberry center for one unit. Starting pallet production. Establishment of Egg Farm. Creating Pallet and Pallet Egg Sales Points. Replacing the airport’s runway. Replacing the entire tree structure (wood and roadside façades). Full replacement of the parking system Create more storage (FARM1, FARM2, SAND). Construction of a new tunnel in the North-DEN direction along the road bridge across the bay. Changing the wool bed position for sheep. Establishment of a Wool Processing Plant (WEBEREI). Processed woolen yarn selling point (SHIP) at the port.

Credits: Vaszics

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