650Kg Weight V1.0

Date : 2024-01-18 09:54:34 Report

The 650KG weight mod for Farming Simulator 22 (FS22) appears to be a straightforward yet essential addition for players who require additional weight for their tractors or other machinery.

Price: Priced at 700€, the weight mod seems reasonably affordable for most players. This pricing strategy makes it accessible even for players who are just starting out in the game or have a limited budget.

Weight: As the name suggests, the mod adds a weight of 650KG. This is quite substantial and would be very useful for balancing heavier implements or improving traction in certain farming scenarios. It's particularly useful for tasks that require a stable and balanced tractor, such as plowing or towing heavy equipment.

Color: The choice of black as the color for the weight gives it a universal and professional look, making it visually compatible with a wide range of tractors and machinery in FS22. Black is a neutral color that tends to blend well with various equipment designs and color schemes.

This weight mod could be a valuable tool for FS22 players who need to manage the balance and stability of their machinery during certain operations. By adding weight, players can ensure better contact with the ground, improved traction, and overall better performance of their equipment, especially under demanding conditions.

Credits: JustKai

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