Autodrive V2.0.1.4

Date : 2023-08-30 20:28:37 Report

AutoDrive is a multipurpose tool that allows your vehicles to autonomously navigate the world of LS.

Bug fixes and improvements:
- Reversing with underbody weight EZ 1700 not possible
- Vehicles no longer drive after unloading (pick up & drop off, threshing mode)

Bug fixes and improvements:
- wrong status message after completing a tour (distributed unloading) #853
- "Fold Implements" setting is not displayed correctly in MP #850
- After unloading in the bunker silo, the trailers are awaited to close
- HUD settings are not saved correctly in hosted MP #869
- Reversing with various devices does not work #255, 897
- with distributed loading/unloading, the counter is reset when repairing or refueling #693
- Consider seed/fertilizer tanks for loading
- Detection of grass/grass swath as fruit (fruit bypass)
- Improvements in path finding/calculation on the field

- Universal Autoload (UAL) support
- Multiselect of fruits/goods

Credits: Autodrive Team

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