Lizard Pickup 2017 Pack V1.0

Date : 2022-02-20 20:44:14 Report

This pack includes a safety vehicle and a tanker.

Safety vehicle:
Price: 45. 000€
Power: 300 hp
Colour choice: Pickup, rims
Selection of design: Beacon, warning sign

Price: 52,000 €
Power: 300 hp
Filling capacity: 3,500 litres
Cargo: water, liquid fertilizer, herbicide, slurry, fermentation residue
Colour choice: Pickup, rims
Choice of design: Beacon

Credits: Modell: Sawside Gaming, Giants Textur: Sawside Gaming, Giants Script: Sawside Gaming, Giants Idee / Konzept: Sawside Gaming Tester: Sawside Gaming

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