Lizard Trac Series V1.0

Date : 2023-12-05 17:04:06 Report

Lizard Trac 1000 and Lizard Trac 1100

Lizard Trac 441:
Price: 60.000$
Engine Power: 95-150 hp
Max. speed: 40 km/h
Capacity: 135 liters

- Base color
- Motor setup
- Wheel brand
- Wheel setup
- Attacher front
- Folding window
- Mirrors
- Additional lights
- Attacher back
- Airfilter cyclone
- Fender extension
- Cabin decal
- Remote valves
- Hub
- Frontloader
- ISARIA PRO Compact (FS22_precisionFarming)

- Realistic portalaxel with suspension
- Cabin- and seatsuspension
- Attacher on subframe (For implements on frame)

- Left door
- Windows
- Roof hatch

- Röbi (Basemodel for engine and seat)
- MaxterTM (Audio for engine and door, color adjustment)

Credits: Bremi456

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