New Holland T6 Edited V1.1.2

Date : 2024-01-20 16:33:08 Report

The "New Holland T6 Edited V1.1.2" mod for Farming Simulator 22 (FS22) appears to be a detailed and personalized modification of the New Holland T6 tractor. This version,, includes a variety of unique additions and improvements:

Additions in V1.1.2.0:
Sun Bar: Likely an aesthetic or functional feature for the tractor.
Phone with Modified Texture: Adds a realistic element to the tractor's interior.
Red Poppy: Possibly a decorative element.
Coca Cola: This could be a branded decorative item or part of the tractor's interior design.
Bug and Error Resolution: General improvements to fix previous issues.

Additional Customizations Made:
Two Horns with Modified Horn Sound: Enhances the audio experience with unique horn sounds.
Four French Flags: Adds a patriotic or personal touch.
Michelin Man: A decorative mascot, often associated with the tire brand.
Personalized License Plate: Customizable plate for a unique identity.
Six LED Bars: Likely for improved visibility or aesthetic appeal.
Case Support + Amazon Case: Additional equipment or storage options.
Sun Bar, Phone, Red Poppy, Coca Cola: As mentioned above.

These customizations reflect a high level of detail and personalization, significantly enhancing the visual and functional aspects of the New Holland T6 tractor in FS22. Such mods not only add variety to the game but also allow players to tailor their equipment to their personal preferences, contributing to a more immersive gaming experience.

Credits: JetJouberts

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