New Holland T6 Edited V2.0

Date : 2024-05-02 00:07:40 Report

I'm posting you an edit of a t6 from New Holland (other updates will be there)

-2 antennas
-2 pollux lamp
-1 LED ramp
-2 red warning
-1 musical trumpet
-Led (hood, interior)
-New Michelin tire option
Bug fix

Power: 125hp-155hp-175hp
Price: €95,000

I added :
-2 horns (with modified horn sound)
-4 French flags
-1 Michelin man
-1 personalized plate
-6 LED bars
-1 case support + 1 Amazon case
-1 sun bar
-1 phone (with modified texture)
-1 red poppy
-1 coca cola
-2 antennas
-2 pollux lamp
-1 LED ramp
-2 red warning
-1 musical trumpet
-Red LED (hood, interior, roof)
-Michelin tires option in white

Credits: JetJouberts

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