Supertino R170 Topcut V1.0

Date : 2024-04-27 22:02:10 Report

This mod is my reskin of the Kuhn VB 2190 from FS19, with additions to the top and sides and new decals

- Price: €56,000
- Working speed: 20 km/h
- Power required: 68 hpx

for all these things I have to thank all the members of my modding team and not only starting from sampy who helped me convert the mod
to cere24_modding who fixed the errors, fixed the upper part and adapted it as best as possible and other adjustments and to michifiat_modding for the creation of the s in relief on the sides to veneto farmer for the reproduction of the decals and I also contributed to the application of various decals
It is compatible with the Addon Net Wrap mod

Credits: GIANTS Software, SampeyFS, djmek87 Modding, cere24, Michifiat modding, venetofarm

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