FS17 - Klingenbach Map - Season Ready V1.3.0
Date : 2017-12-02 17:30:27 Report
V 1.3.0
* Silo trigger fixed on the seed-bearing
* Display carton production.
* Factory-Script converted to the new mcompany script
* Signage of the factories
* multiple spawn points for products on a pallet is created (extented pallet trigger)
* Boards as a product of the sawmill, away (problems in performance)
* Cereals swamp at the bakery exchanged (optical reasons)
* Texture fixed on beet storage
* Digestate at wastewater treatment plant inserted
* BGA Bunker can now be installed with the hanger filled
* Bakery raw materials changed (instead of wheat and barley, spelt and rye)
* Millet and Triticale as fruits removed (straw recovery... maximum bulk registration)
* PDA Hotspots created (sawmill, pallet factory,...)
* Fertilizer, lime and manure Texture replaced..
* Space for hall from the straw-salvage-Addon created on the outer bearing
* Ball bearings on the outer bearing installed (Many thanks to Hagen233 the me helped)
* Filling AIDS for some of the silo trigger installed (red light beam)
* Water sampling point at the court to be created, so you will find this better...
* Stations and points of Sale, the name is shortened for a better Overview of the PDA
* Water extraction the Hot-Spots on the PDA created (blue Icons)
* more Hot Spots for the factories and various other matters (related productions have a need to have the same color) or, for example, the productions, the timber...
* Sign at the range of sales created for the receipt of goods overview...
* Empty pallet back to 4000l per pallet, multiple pallet positions)is reduced (
* Fuel storage at the sawmill installed
* Graphics created for the new factory-the Script (where I thought it necessary,eg, are not equipped bearing as the seed bearing)
* Pig feed production on oats instead of wheat changed
* Traffic through town slowed to about 30 km/h (Werner as always :D)
* Production speed of the empty pallets is increased (every hour 1 pallet with 4000l)
* Barriers at the sawmill. (wrong pivot)
* Unloading point fixed on the grain trade
there are 2 versions of the Map: a 128-floor corners, and a 4-floor angle, as in the standard game
V 1.2.0
* Workshop installed on the farm
* 10N entries.
* HoseRef-point at the cows.
* floating barns for the pigs.
* Mapgröße reduced to 817 MB
* floating trees.
* Grasses between F4 & 5 removed due to merging
* advanced floor angle mounted (with Standard helpers compass use)
* Field unevenness is eliminated
* GMK-Script Version replaced (Problem with Lawn fertilize)
* Performance improved noticeably adjusted (even the smallest objects)
* Wood storage on the crane at the sawmill and the empty pallet production installed (thanks to Oimel for the tip)
* Spawn point is fixed, from the berries of sales, and grain trading
* Dynamic Plan removed (Problem with the factory script)
* Liquid fertilizer may now be the country trade bought
* BGA-around people at the gate to open.
* Clip distance of the individual boards from the saw mill adjusted and the quantity produced is reduced
* Park car (pedestrian walked by)
* Animation silo trigger from the bone meal in the meat processing fixed (too high)
* 47 error messages on the Dedi Server. (Thanks to Andre of the LPG Black pump)
* Wood chip pile increases at the sawmill to 30,000 L capacity
* Empty range increased to 8000l per pallet
* Wood storage at the sawmill rebuilt (with the wheel loader to work)
* Trees treated at field 1&2 a bit (helper problem)
* Place of unloading to the grain trade. (blade trigger too high) Thanks to Leo
* lack of barriers in the case of the 2 entrances at the sawmill installed
* Field access roads in some of the fields are created
* Signage at the goods issue of the dairy added and created (Thanks to Hagen233 for the tip)
* Hofauffahrt Straightened a little bit
* other little things
PDF manual is a work in progress, had to little time...
Required Mods:
Kotte Universal Pack
!! I ask you only 1 Map in the Mod folder, otherwise errors in the LOG !!
I wish you much fun with the sound of Bach
1 large farm with grain storage building (not a Standard Silo on the farm)
1 Lohnunternehmerhof
1 Outer Bearing (Standard Hopper)
3 great sale stations (country trade, grain mill, grain trade)
3 smaller sale stations
1 large BGA with 4 wedge silos
many economic cycles
2 villages
1 sawmill
4 Animal Species (Cows, Pigs, Sheep, Chickens)
Standard Fruits
plus, rye,spelt,millet,Triticale, and oats
3 large and 4 smaller realistically designed forest areas
31 fields and 8 meadows
Economic cycles of SVAPA Agro (empty pallet production,dairy,butcher,...)
2 septic tanks per 1 in the two villages built
BuyOnSiloTrigger at the country trade (buy goods)
Sewage treatment plant for the fertilizer and compost production
Seed production at the LU-Hof
Fertilizer, liquid fertilizer, and seed stock on the farm
Scales with statistics function
refillable gas storage at the yard,outdoor storage, and the LU-Hof
Dynamic Planning at all points of sale and the outdoor storage silo
Milk must be sold
Milk sales to the dairy
ausmistbarer cow and pig stables
Beet and potato warehouse in the main courtyard
Pig feed mixer at the farm for the production of pig feed
Chopped straw
Trousers-System Ready (Wopster)
Seasons Ready
Download File
Credits: skydiver2103 [FBM Team]
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