FS19 - Helicopter Tanks V1.0

Date : 2019-04-22 18:52:11 Report
Late Easter and 6,000 LIKES on funpage celebrate gifts! ~ Patriot Equipment: Helicopter Tanks (UDIM) Helicopter Tanks features: - Front and Saddle tanks in pack - Fully UDIM (PBR Textures) - Properly defined materials (chrome screws, gloss frame, plastic parts) - High quality Decals (stickers) - Proper warning Stickers - ConnectionHoses - Remodeled frame and Tank\'s covers - Real values (mass, capacity, price - for new) ~ Fully supported with our 8R V2.0!

Credits: Model: Brent Elinburg/KMN Modding
Ingame: JHHG Modding
Programing: JHHG Modding
UDIM (PBR textures): JHHG Modding
Edit: JHHG Modding

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