FS19 - John Deere 7R Chiptuning V1.2

Date : 2019-01-30 18:00:50 Report
I present you here another mod in the LS19. Version 1.2 The tires were made a little bigger so they protrude a bit over the fenders! New final speed for the chip tuning variants. In the standard configurations, the speed is unchanged (= 53km / h) 7230R Chiptuning = 57km / h 7250R Chiptuning = 57km / h 7270R Chiptuning = 57km / h 7290R Chiptuning = 57km / h 7310R Chiptuning = 61km / h If there are errors, just write me or report the error on our Ts! ( Particularities: Tire and main color is changeable. PS specification: 7310R Chiptuning = 415hp Max Speed 58km / h otherwise everything is standard! I wish you much fun with the loading wagon!

Credits: BierKasten

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