FS19 - John Deere S700 Usa Series Final V3

Date : 2018-11-26 15:23:11 Report
V3.0 What\'s new: - There is no paths to $data/vehicles, so no one will have problems with \"white\" textures - number Configurations (1-6) - Tire Tracks and Dynamic Tire effect for Floaters 1050 michelin are fixed - 4x4 hos now real 4x4 differential values - Fixed Rotspeed on wheels (no sliding down) JHHG modding addons and changes: - 100% Error Free (clear log) - New US Rims and Hubs - Whole S700 Series (S760/S770/S780/S785/S790) - motor Configurations - 710 Duals, 520 Row Crop Duals, 1050 Floaters, 30\'in ATI Tracks - Wide back axle - True Row Crop - Fixed 4x4 - HD Decals for all engine Configurations - LOGO Configuration (you can easly replace LOGO.dds for your own logo project to make you feel like on your own farm company!) - Pipe Light (emisive + real light) - CB Radio with emissive - Real Reverse Sound

Credits: JHHG Modding

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