FS19 - Mahindra Retriever Longbox Utility V3.2

Date : 2018-12-23 07:04:39 Report
Extended the box on the Retriever to look more like the real life \"Longbox\" edition V3.2 UPDATES: -ADDED Dual tires and 6-Wheeler Configurations -ADDED Side Bush Guards - Added all filepaths to the zip to load correctly - Log is free from errors and warnings If there any any issues please let me know. I have tried testing the filepaths every way I can to ensure proper loading but theres always a chance for error. V3.1 UPDATES: - Working hydrauliics for realistic unloading - All fill types can now be loaded - Decals and minor other fixes Utility Version: Modified the Retriever to include Skidder Attachments and act as a utility vehicle for transporting bales/pallettes. - Rear Hitch for weight attachment - Front Hitch for tool attachment - Lift Key (V) for rotating tools into Driving mode OPTIMIZED TOOLS: ROTATE WITH V KEY (LIFT) SKIDLOADER - High Dump Bucket and Bale Spikes / Bale Handler (FrontLoader Bale Spikes and Bale Handler work fine also)

Credits: brandon092

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