FS19 - Orthman 3Lp - 15 Side Dresser V1.0

Date : 2019-02-27 12:15:30 Report
~ Orthman 3LP - 15 Side Dresser V1.0 (NEED LIQUID TANKS / CART LIKE IN REAL!) Expect some updates in future, but now it\'s preatty awesome;) ! LIKE & SHARE! What we have there? Features: - Fully washable and wearable! - Scripted FS19 Lights! - HD quality Decals! - Dynamic and Electric Hoses! (Connection Hoses) - Flexable wings (Rot Limits)! - Dynamic attacher (Rot and flex on uneven terrain)! - Realistic mass and powerConsumer! - Multiple workAreas! (separate workArea for every single Row) - Ground Particles! - Optional back Hitch for Liquid Cart! - Working Pressure Gauge! - Rotating Parts with collisions! - Screws with proper materials - Error Free! ...and lot of other little things which I don\'t remember ;) Thanks to all Testers who reported issues!

Credits: Model from: Polygonish
Ingame: JHHG Modding
Edit: JHHG Modding
Programing & Scripting: JHHG Modding

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