FS19 - Real Forestry Machinery Pack V0.2

Date : 2018-12-04 15:27:43 Report
Content: Komatsu 875 Komatsu 931 XC Ponsse Buffalo Ponsse Scorpion King Sampo Rosenlew HR 46 features: Grimme tracks added used tracks (rusty) added tool- follow cameras added changed steering- ranges changed exit- points tilt harvester-heads (if you can\'t grab a cut tree turn head 180°) inproved cuttimes changeable colors for bodies and rims cutlength up to 16m higher tree-diameters possible zukünftig geplant: improved Particle- effects for sawdust improved joystick- movement better support for 2- joystick- movement delete fixed cutlenghts procedural sound (saw, hydraulics etc.) procedural animations

Credits: Modell: Bastisimo0
Textur: Bastisimo0
Idee / Konzept: Bastisimo0

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