Jcb 4220 Gruma Edition V1.1

Date : 2020-10-05 10:29:29 Report

JCB 4220 GRUMA with SIC and some extensions

Version 1.1:
Engine sound from the JCB 4220 Leo630 Edition added

The download of the JCB 4220 GRUMA and support is only available here on the
LS ZockerStube and the botch garage!
All other downloads you can find from him are stolen versions!
You saw quite a lot of pictures of the JCB 4220 in the GRUMA version. This has been expanded again and again for over 1.5 years. A few people got it privately, but mostly it was only extended for our server.
Since we like to share mods with people (EDIT: whom WE trust), we also gave them to Mr. Krupp from the Pfuscher Garage. He asked if we would like to make it available for download. Unfortunately we didn’t have the approvals for the decales and textures. Mr. Krupp was not satisfied with that and created his own for this JCB.
So it has been completely revised once again and everyone can download the result today.

Changes compared to the original: GRUMA Edition, Bavaria Edition and Great Britain Edition

Simple IC:
1. Left door to open
2. Right door to open
3. Rear window to open

1. GPS system with a change when booting the system;)
2. Agribumper
3. Configurable license plate
4. N-sensor configurable
5. Rotating beacons configurable and foldable
6. New tires and tire configurations
7. New color selection
8. New and adapted Hauer front loader console (no more studs available!)
9. Color choices for the seats
10. Another motor configuration
11. Additional new rear work lights

Tested in FS19 1.6 version.

Credits: Giants Software LS ZockerStube Pfuscher Garage Cayman 718: GPS System modelleicher: Simple IC Ifko(nator): EAS Script Herr Krupp: Kennzeichen Gamer8250: N-Sensor

Download File (31.9 MB)