Multi-Storage Liquids V1

Date : 2020-06-18 00:08:49 Report

Multi Warehouse Liquids

ArtMechanic presents 2 models for this year 2020, improving its download speed while maintaining its great features:

ISL Model:
- Capacity: 2,000,000 Lts. per product.
- Download speed: 3,500 Lts / sec.
- Price: € 180,000
- Maintenance: € 60 / day
- Accepts liquid tank and slurry tank loads.

ISS Model:
- Capacity: 600,000 Lts. per product.
- Download speed: 1,500 Lts / sec.
- Price: € 120,000
- Maintenance: € 40 / day
- Accepts liquid tank and slurry tank loads.

Tested in FS19 1.6 version.

Credits: Vanquish081

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