Bigfieldsxxl V1.0

Date : 2021-12-16 09:51:03 Report

V. Change log.
-add + BGA (not for sale)
-SawMill has changed
-add Chocolate Factory
-add Wool Factory
-add Cheese Factory
-the position of some factories has changed
-the areas available for purchase have changed
-Manager mode started with empty MyFarm
-repaired edges of fields (I recommend buying outside areas at startup. value free)
-grass here and there, many many minor repairs, etc.

V0.0.0.2 changelog:
– ADD Areas available for purchase
– and many more minor fixes
– New game start required !

Field 1 (field01) : 717.096 ha
Field 2 (field02) : 192.140 ha
Field 3 (field03) : 24.050 ha
Field 4 (field04) : 24.050 ha
Field 5 (field05) : 24.050 ha
Field 6 (field06) : 24.050 ha
Field 7 (field07) : 26.074 ha
Field 8 (field08) : 39.079 ha
Field 9 (field09) : 192.170 ha

Credits: zoltanm

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