Fendt 700 Scr Tractor V1.0

Date : 2024-04-15 22:42:08 Report

Power: 160-240 hp
Price: 124. 000€
Max. Speed: 53 km/h

Design choice and configurations:
- Main color - Rim color
- Radiator grille color
- Seat color
- Carpet and Carpet color
- Mirror (Spheric mirror, normal)
- Engine (716, 718, 720, 722, 724)
- Rotating beacons (left, right, both)
- Frontloader (Quicke, Cargo)
- Starfire

If you are playing with Precison Farming, you can also choose a Yara N sensor in addition to the normal crop sensors.

- Door, windows, beacon light run via simple ic

Credits: Julia.mhr97

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