Date : 2017-09-06 18:26:06 Report
The new Saxonia is aimed primarily at those who have not enough production on the map. In addition, the map has received a small to large change in landscape design. So there is now an Elbe, which had the consequence that I had to change some fields. So we come to the changes: A lot of original objects from the GCV I removed from the map and replaced by other objects. Some optical errors were corrected from the V2.3. The capacities of all installed productions were significantly increased. - Soy milk production is removed, the soy milk is now produced in the dairy. - Dresdner Mühle now takes all grain varieties and maize. Capacity for raw materials - Bakery adapted all triggers for raw materials, capacity raw materials increased - Colli the Andreaskreuze away, Colli numerous road signs - capacity raw material sugar plant increased - Missing signs "Remember right of way" - PDA-map adapted - pig feed production added further cereal varieties of the multifruit - sugar production u.v.m Now I come to the most important, the innovations: There is now a 5th active train. This is the so-called collector. The collector removes all the outboard bearings and can unload his cargo in the yard. In addition, it can sell its cargo at the fruit trade and harbor. No loading of the train on the farm is foreseen. Please note that this train can travel 140 km / h. This naturally increases the braking distance considerably. So please brake in time. Then there is now the harbor. There the collector can sell his freight. A loading of the train is also not provided there. It is also possible to sell the products from Kastor to its food pack. The most important innovation in my opinion is the logistics center. The following products can be stored on 4 ramps: bread, cheese, milk and sugar. On the other 4 ramps on the front the products can be reloaded. I recommend the new cooling tower from Kastor to its food pack. Please take the new (version 2.0), the old can only load products from the slaughterhouse. Please note, that you can only load or unload at the respective ramps. So you have to change the ramp after you want to recharge. An exception is the 2 ramps reserved for Kastor. You can both recharge as well as recharge. During each unloading process, the stored pallets are displayed visually. The number of pallets shown is dependent on the capacity of the respective bearing. So it can be that you see after the first discharge only 2 pallets. The rows become full when the capacity of the respective camp has been reached. Immediately (approximately 4 minutes) after the discharge, the pallets are passed on to the goods exit, and there also visually. (The goods receipt is then emptied optically). If you then load the products with Kastor to its refrigerator, then the pallets on the trailer are visually different. Namely in the form of cartons on Europaletten. Unfortunately, there is no other way to load the original pallets again. You would have to drive next to the pallets, which is not possible. So I find this solution with Kastor its trailer quite acceptable and above all simple. Parallel to the fruit trade, Kaufland was installed. There is also the EKZ, known from the current core city. There, every palletware can be sold. The spinning mill was removed and the weaving mill was installed. Wool and racks are used as raw materials. The racks are produced at the station. Since there is no metal as a raw material in the LS17, I took as a replacement the boards from the sawmill. The former pallet factory of kevink98 from the 15s is the building. Also new is the salt production. On the premises of the sugar plant, salt can be obtained free of charge. Since I could not find a suitable starting raw material, one does not have to deliver anything there. Salt is permanently produced. Instead of the soy milk production, the slaughterhouse from Kastor now has its food pack. The operation of the slaughterhouse should be known to most of you. Please use the cattle trader to deliver the animals from this pack. The originals of Giants do not work there! This should be explained in essence. If you have any questions or problems, please do not hesitate to contact me. addendum: As already announced, I was forced to re-work this map and remove the objects concerned due to discrepancies due to some obstructed objects. This concerns: • Fish farming • Caviar production • FishForelle cold storage • Weaving

Credits: Scripts: Marhu/kevin98/joker301069 Blacky AdditionalMapTypes BlackSheep Objekte: Kastor: Fermenter Silo, Holzhacker, Futtermischer Pack, Schlachthof Marhu: Fireplace kevink98: MilchTrigger (Abholung und Verkauf), Güllelager Arii: diverse Objekte slowtide63: Sägewerk, Logistiklager farming2001: Kapelle mit GLocke HarryBo: Tankstation Nils23: Digitale Anzeigen Spieler11: Flughafen, Straßenbahn Nick98.1: Straßenschilder auwgl: Bio-Diesel Raffinerie San_Andreas: HoT Seeds & Fertilizer Produktion Mod_Toaster: Schweinefutterlager, Heizkraftwerk für Hackschnitzel und Silage GTX Mods: Multi Storage Shed atze1978: Strassenbaukasten ema1987: Saatgut- und Düngerlager HenkieNL: Balestorage Katsuo: Biomasselager Niggels Beleuchtung Farmerahner: Berg 3D VASZICS: Strassenpack mit Brücke Bauer heini: Shell Tankstelle AKA_Boroda Joa: Zuckerwerk Blacky_BPG: Hoftankstelle Farmer_Andy: CompostMaster, Teile vom H-Milk Verkaufstrigger Adstrip made by Beunheas (deHeasMachinery, Beunheas; Model, Texture and Idea (Aufschrift Michverkauf) BaTt3RiE und Kobold Koby: Fischzucht, Kaviarproduktion, FischForellen-Lager (nur Saxonia Version 3.0) Der_Wanderer: Weberei GE-Mapping: Brauerei M-S_Buschi: Hopfengarten CREDITS Flughafen und Straßenbahn Modname: Maschendrahtzaun Autoren: 112TEC Modname: Strassensystem Autoren: atze1978 Modname: Gehweg Autoren: Luculus Modname: Gebäude,Fahrzeuge Autoren: BernieSCS Modname: Schranken Autoren: BlackyBPG Modname: Fahrzeuge Autoren: EKKI Modname: Beleuchtung Autoren: LKXstudios Modname: Radarturm Autoren: Rummelboxer Modname: Deco Autoren: From Holland Modding Ein besonderer Dank geht an OldFrank für den Einbau der Multifrucht und an Holzmichel für das einzeichnen der Schneemaske sowie dem Einbau von choppedStraw. Technische Unterstützung und Beratung: sushidelic Spieler11 OldFrank Testspieler: Mik wegerenz OldFrank rk54 Jacky_79 Holzmichel Onkelyogi Team Multiplayer OldFrank Alf62 Forst Agrar Team Spielegemeinschaft MünsterlandTV Benutzerhandbuch Trollhausen

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